Celebration of Peace Pilgrim and Helene Young
Sunshine, joy, and words of peace filled Peace Pilgrim Park on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021, as dozens of friends, new and old, gathered to celebrate the lives of Peace Pilgrim and her sister, Helene Young.

The festivities kicked off with a one-mile peace walk in which FoPP Board Member Bruce Nichols invited everyone to imagine “holding hands with Peace Pilgrim on one side and Helene on the other.”
Participants, many in Peace Pilgrim t-shirts from previous celebrations, then gathered in a magnificent pine grove in the Egg Harbor City, NJ, park, where Rev. Jeannie Collins led a beautiful homage to the sisters and their legacy of peace. Bruce led a short meditation with yogic drumming by Naida Burgess.
Helene’s long-time friend Al Shollenberger read proclamations on her behalf, which he presented to her son, Dale Young, then called for a moment of silence in remembrance of 9/11.
Several celebrated musicians, all inspired by Peace Pilgrim and her sister, shared tunes and invited participants to sing along. Two new attendees, Joshua Salt and Eric Rhiel, are so inspired by Peace Pilgrim that they flew from their native Wisconsin into Philadelphia and walked from the airport to Peace Pilgrim Park for the celebration. The pair are planning to create and stage a theatrical production based on Peace Pilgrim’s life. (FoPP will share info as we get it.) During the gathering, Joshua played his ukulele as he offered a moving rendition of Peace Pilgrim’s song, I Am.
“While it was not the weekend-long event we held for many years, we were thrilled to bring back its spirit,” said FOPP board member Barbara Reynolds. “It was doubly special to include Helene in this celebration.”
Helene Young, who helped spread the peace message for decades after her sister’s passing in 1981, made her own “glorious transition to a freer place” on Jan. 14, 2021, just six weeks shy of her 106th birthday. (See our newsletter dedicated to Helene.)